Digital Illustrations and Matte Painting by Tiberius Viris

Let’s undertake a captivating journey into the wonderful world of matte painting created by the talented artist Tiberius Viris. When you look at his artworks, you admire the realistic tone of the universe that is called “matte art”. Some of his paintings feature the dark mood, the others are bright and sunny, but all of them are breathtaking examples of the mature digital pieces. Actually, his output consists of matte painting and environment art pieces for films, games and media. The high creativity helps him to present all the environments as realistic as possible. He is always eager to give good advices concerning the process of matte painting and you can find them on his site or the personal blog and if you are a young artist, you can make a great use of good advices from the talented and professional artist. And now let’s browse some of the digital illustrations and matte painting by Tiberius Viris!


Hall of the Dragon Mist


Cloud Temple






Heaven Nebula


Highland Concept




Illustration for Dark Horizon Game


Lost World. Temple of Nature




City of Angels


Day to Night Matte Painting


Drakko. At the Edge of Realm



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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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