Trick or Treat: Halloween Photoshop Tutorials

The blog post includes 20 Photoshop tutorials dedicated to Halloween. Check the out.

WYSIWYG Editors for Your WordPress Powered Website

The blog post includes 10 WYSISYG editors that will fit your WordPress powered website or blog. Check them out!

Retina Wallpapers You Know Yourself for Which Displays:)

The blog post includes examples of great high-resolution wallpapers that will perfectly fit retina displays of the so-popular MacBooks, iPads and iPhones and other devices. Feel free to check them out.

“Metro Style”: Windows 8 User Interface

The blog entry includes brief description of UI of Windows 8 operational system.

Wolfram Alpha and Siri: The New Story of Big Wolf and a Red Riding Hood

British scientist Stephen Wolfram launched a new search engine Wolfram Alpha, which, he said, would be “as important as Google”. Judging by the posts in blog of the scientist, the method of how his search engine works fundamentally differs from the method of his competitors: it understands natural language (i.e., the human language). How Mr. […]

Terms of Service? Never Heard of ‘em!

I bet you haven’t read “terms of service” not even once for the last years. If it’s true hop into the blog cause this is what you need, a resource specifically for those who skips reading and simply clicks next!

Drawing vs Reality: Mind-blowing 4D Artworks

The blog post includes 4d artworks that astound with their greatness. Feel to browse through to get a portion of aesthetic pleasure.

The Stylistic Interference by Murat Palta: Movie Scenes in Turkish Renaissance Style

Murat Palta mixed visual style of Turkish oriental miniature paintings with themes of contemporary Western cinema. By combining global with local, traditional with contemporary and adding a bit of humor made it a fun and rewarding experience for him.

Celebrities Using WordPress as Their CMS

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, this is exactly what celebrities need to communicate with their fans. The post includes a round-up of WordPress powered website of people whom you can quite often see on TV.

Freepik: the Free Graphic Resources Finder

Each web designer’s assignment requires lots of source files, though it’s not always that easy to get a high-quality PSD for free. Here comes Freepik – web designer’s best friend. With Freepik you will find any possible PSD, photo or vector image for FREE!

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