Too Much Beauty Will Kill Your Site or What Shouldn’t Be Done in Restaurant Design

The blog post dwells on major bad practices in restaurant website design that turn users online experience into real challenge and frustration. Considering the enumerated tips, it will be easier to create a functional user-friendly project for restaurant business.

Ready for Presentation? Check 10 HTML-Based Slidedeck Toolkits

The article represents a list of 10 HTML-based slide deck toolkits.

Simple Way to Get Law Site Online. Free Website Template

For a good law website download free website template made by professional designers.

Speaking Heads in Website Design

The blog post considers big face images affect on average website user and contains a showcase of designs utilizing portrait photos to achieve various goals.

10 WordPress Tutorials to Launch a Rocket of Shortcodes

The article represents 10 tutorials for WordPress Shortcodes and one video.

The Role of Images in Website Design – Powerful Imagery Fuels Strong Emotions

The article reveals the importance of images role in web design.

Free Website Template – The Newest Theme for Restaurant Site

Need an attractive cover for a restaurant site? Try well-done free website template in sappy colors from professional designers.

Web Fashion. Color Trends of 2013 – Choose the Right Hue to Slap Up Your Website

The blog post names main web design color trends of 2013 and offers a collection of articles relevant to the topic for original research.

Evolution of Commerce Ended in eCommerce. What’s Your Favorite Platform?

The article gives a description of different eCommerce platforms and provides with a survey to choose the best one.

Volume Through 2D – Parallax Effect in Web Design

The article respresents 15 examples of web design with parallax scrolling.

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