Fresh and Steady: 10 SASS Tutorials for 2013

The article represents 10 fresh SASS tutorials published in 2013.

11 Considerations for Getting Website Conceptualization Right

The article represents 11 considerations for getting website conceptualization right.

Learn to Draw Zingy Icons in Adobe Illustrator… It’s Fun and Easy with This Set of Tutorials

Want to learn how to create stylish, unique icons in Adobe Illustrator? This blog post contains exactly what you need: a set of icon design Adobe Illustrator tutorials.

Website Redesigning Pitfalls to Avoid

The web design world is changing at a rapid pace. What is a rage today, could be horribly outdated in few months. The rapid pace at which trends come and fad away continue to perplex businesses. What should be done next? Should you blindly emulate new trends and overhaul your website or risk appearing outdated to your clients/target audience? Well, website redesigning is just not about trends. It is a critical business decision that should be based on lot of factors such as your business goals, maturity of your target audience, and your branding strategy. This blog post aims to provide pointers to both designers and businesses that will help them avoid website redesign pitfalls.

Develop Excellent User-friendly Websites with Magento Web Design

The articel provides with tips on Magento web design UX improvement.

Unusual Responsive Menu Designs for More Web Beauty: Examples and Tutorials

The article represents examples of unusual responsive menu designs and a digest of tutorials to make them.

8 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Web Designer for Your Small Business Website

The article reviews the benefits of hiring a web designer for small businesses.

PNG vs JPG. Which is Better? None of Them

The article reviews pluses and minuses of PNG and JPEG formats for website building.

How to Design a Powerful Brand Identity

The article contain tip for designing a brand identity.

10 Proven Tips for Web Design Success

The article provides with 10 tip to make your web design successful.

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