Key Skills to Leverage Your Talent As a Mobile App Developer

Mobile app development is a hugely dynamic field. Developers need a hard will-power along with a creative bent of mind. This article talks about what you need to be a truly amazing mobile app developer in 2013.

Ready to Start iOS Developing? Check 10 Essential Tools & Resources

The article provides with bunch of essential iOS developer tools and resources.

Revision of Mobile News Design: Summarizing Principle

The article reveals the essence of news bite, mobile apps with algorithms for summarizing the news.

Forget about Angry Birds! Check 10 Apps for Learning HTML5

The article presents the digest of the most helpful apps for learning HTML5

Trendy Examples for Surviving When Stuck with a Mobile Website Design

The articles showcases the best examples of websites with creative mobile web design.

10 To-Do Apps for iPhone to Remember Everything

Never forget about anything with iPhone To-Do Apps.

6 Tips for Conceptualizing a Mobile App – Success is a Result of Focused Thinking

If you want to develop a successful app, then effective conceptualization is an absolute must. This article offers a look into six tips that help the makers of a mobile app, freeze on a concept that will help develop a hugely effective and successful app.

Free Emulators for Mobile Testing, Do It as All PROs

Ultimate selection of free mobile emulators. Check them out!

5 of the Best Free Android Apps for Graphic Designers

While you may have happily invested a small fortune in high-powered computers and big ol’ screens for your graphic design studio or workstation, you may still be reluctant to shell-out extra for mobile design apps. But things don’t have to be this way. There is now an ever increasing range of free design apps for Android that will compliment your stationary work environment, on the move. Here we review some of the best design apps.

Capture the World with a Camera Phone. Best Phonography Photos

In this roundup we would like to showcase the best photos taking with a camera phone and underline their quality and beauty.

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